When Buying or Building In Lagos To Avoid Future Demolition, Consider the Following key Factors:
When Buying or building in Lagos to Avoid Future Demolition, Consider the Following key Factors:
1. Understand the Planning and Regulatory Laws:
Familiarize yourself with the Lagos State Urban and Regional Planning and Development Law 2010 and the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Regulations 2019. These laws govern physical planning, urban development, and building control such as “Setback to Public Utilities and Right of Way, Land Used Zones and Complementary Used,” etc.
2. Check the Property’s Location:
Ensure the property is not too close to a waterway, as this could put it at risk of future demolition.
Also, avoid areas that are designated as government reserves, public utilities, or planned development projects. You can check the Lagos State Physical Planning and Development Authority (LASPPDA) website for more information on the zoning and land use regulations in Lagos.
3. Conduct Due Diligence:
Verify the authenticity of property documents, check for any pending legal issues, and ensure the property isn’t encroaching on government land or blocking waterways.
4. Work with a Reputable Real Estate Agent:
A reputable real estate agent can provide valuable advice on suitable locations, market prices, fees and taxes, assist in conducting due diligence checks and ensure the property is free from every encumbrance.
5. Obtain Necessary Permits:
Before starting any construction work, obtain all necessary permits from relevant authorities such as the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA). This will help avoid issues with regulatory authorities, you will also need an environmental impact assessment (EIA) approval from the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), which evaluates the potential effects of your project on the environment and public health. The potential effects of your project on the environment and public health.
6. Don’t Patronized Quack:
Hire a reputable and qualified contractor, architect, engineer, and other professionals to handle your construction project. Ensure that they use quality materials and follow the best practices in the industry. You can also engage an independent consultant to supervise and monitor the progress and quality of your work. This will help you avoid substandard workmanship, structural defects, or safety hazards that could lead to demolition.
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