Investing in Real Estate Business in Nigeria: 5 Easy Ways to invest in real estate business.
If you are reading this post then you are probably interested in investing in the real estate business in Nigeria or perhaps you are already in the business of real estate, you could even just have stumbled across this write up by chance or the title drew you to the prospects of investing in real estate business in Nigeria. Whichever of the reasons, at the end of reading this write up, you will be glad you did. Feel free to read from top down or start from anywhere you are most interested in but be rest assured it will be worth your 5 minutes.
If you are interested in the many benefits of investing in real estate business then you can see the post on Investing in real estate business in Nigeria , in today’s post, you will be reading about the 5 Easy Ways to invest in real estate business in Nigeria. Without further ado, let’s get to it.
1. Become a Landlord: This word gets thrown around a lot in our everyday Nigerian diction, yet only a few understand what it truly means to be a Landlord. Not all house/space owners are Landlords but all Landlords definitely own a space/house which they rent out for an agreed upon duration of time in exchange for money. A Landlord is someone who rents a real estate property out in exchange for money. This is why it is one of the easiest ways to invest in real estate, simply convert that unused space or duplex in your backyard into a rented apartment or space. You can simply enlist it on Jiji , My Propertyng ., Nigerian Property or contact us Worthy Realtors today and begin your journey as an investor in real estate.
2. Flipping Real Estate: What does it mean to flip real estate? Have you ever owned a piece of unattractive property, it could be an abandoned house or an old car, you sell it out for the price of next-to-nothing, only to see after a while looking revamped or pimped and you just wished you never gave it out?
The job of a flipper is to locate old or abandoned properties, revamp them up and resell at a neck-breaking price. **winks**
If you are considering investing in real estates, time to go after the diamonds in the roughs, afterall beauty they say, lies in the eyes of the beholder.
3.Joining/Creating an Investment Group: Joining an investment group has a lot of pros, you could have the cash and not the expertise or you could have the expertise and not have the cash or time or both. By joining an existing investment real estate investment group or creating one, you can overcome those bottlenecks.
You can check out this interesting write up on lists on investment groups in Nigeria
4. Owning your Home: Well this might seem counterintuitive on the surface because owning your house doesn’t increase your cash flow, at least not directly but it sure does increase your net worth and if you are not planning to relocate anytime soon, it is a good investment idea to own your home. Instead of paying rent to your Landlord, owning your home can be a good way to enter the league of real estate investors.
5. Buy Now Sell Later: Buy now sell later as the name implies, this is the form of investment where you buy a piece of real property and keep it for as long as you need to sell it. This works on the already established fact that real estate appreciates over time, and can even serve as a shield against inflation, yes when money loses its buying power during inflation, real estate doesn’t and in most cases, it appreciates more.
These 5 easy steps make it really easy to invest in real estate.
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